Why do I need will?
Roughly 2/3 of people do not make a Will for a number of reasons. Sometimes they mistakenly believe that their family and others that they wanted to inherit will do so automatically. Others simply think that there is no need to make a Will at that particular time.
Wouldn’t you like a piece of mind?
The most important thing is that making a Will is a crucial part of life planning just as much is getting married or buying a house. In fact they are perfect examples of moments when it would be sensible to make Will.
Making a Will give certainty as to what will happen to your property and assets when you die. It ensures that those of you want to benefit actually do so. Also it avoids the risk of possible disagreement between relatives
Who should make Will?
Everyone should make Will especially those with dependent relatives such as children under 18, relatives with a disability or who are elderly and anyone who owns a house or has any type of asset which they would like someone to benefit from
What would happen if I don’t make Will?
This would result in what is called an intestacy. In that case particular rules apply as to who will inherit and how much they will receive. This may mean that the very thing you wanted to avoid actually happens and in the worst-case where relatives cannot be found your assets will go to the Crown.
Won’t everything go to my family anyway?
There is a common misconception that this will happen but depending on the size of your estate there are special rules that apply which determine who will inherit and how much they will receive if you don’t make a Will.
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